My Goal

The foremost goal in life is not to be the best but to be better than who I was yesterday. Why? The answer to that is the question itself. “Why”. You are going to decide that. This whole process of transforming your thoughts is a complete process in itself, it can get overwhelming at times,Continue reading “My Goal”

Dear Younger Me,

I am sorry that the world forced you to grow up too soon, You have been so strong and I couldn’t be more proud. I still talk to you through your favourite tv shows, the pile of stickers that you collected throughout most of your childhood, the journals you used to write and made itContinue reading “Dear Younger Me,”

Welcoming 2021

Happy New Year you guys! I know it’s been a long time since i have posted and to be honest i was losing my motivation to write, you can just assume that i was on a hiatus, well that’s what i tell myself to make me feel less guilty! Today i just want to knowContinue reading “Welcoming 2021”

Incoherent Time

Realizing that it doesn’t matter if it’s 2020, 2000 or 1920 people are solving the same problems with the same heartache, pain, happiness and love. We stand at crossroads in our lives maybe seemingly minor ones, just like the generation before us did. It’s sad and calming, connecting at the same time.

Bun Buns Home

4 days back i brought home two little sweet bunnies Miffy ๐Ÿ‡โค and Flash ๐Ÿ‡โค, don’t worry i did my research before actually bringing them family did have rabbits as pets when i was a child so now what remains are vague memories of them. As a kid i never cared to take careContinue reading “Bun Buns Home”

The First Time

Remember the day when we were both dressed in black, the first time when our eyes met It was 6:30pm, a chilly December evening. We drove for the first time together, When you held my hand i could feel it in my heart that it was your first time holding someone’s hand And when iContinue reading “The First Time”

Question for the day- 1

If someone told you that you are magnificent, powerful, amazing and beautiful beyond measure, how would you feel? Would you receive the compliments with an open heart? Or would you resist by thinking that youโ€™re not THAT beautiful and magnificent? If I was to answer this question honestly, my first initial response would be, YesContinue reading “Question for the day- 1”

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