Materialistic Nature

Buying materialistic stuff is the fun accessory to Life, not the meaning of Life at all and many often a times we tend to forget about this, so just a gentle reminder for myself and for you all 🙂 ❤ love, @manishasky


After being MIA for quite a while I am finally happy to be back and continue with what I love to do, that is writing my heart out. As some of you may know that I was really not doing well. I don’t know what it was but I was sick for almost more thanContinue reading “Hi”

Thoughts and my Balcony

It’s 6.05p.m , i am sitting in an outdoor sofa right in my balcony. The sky appears like a clear and blue ocean which knows no end. This place is my safe corner, where all my thoughts comes and visits me in the evening. I feel like i am having a conversation with my mindContinue reading “Thoughts and my Balcony”

You Are Not Lonely

I hate it when people preach other’s with the notion that it’s ok to be lonely. No it’s not ok to be lonely. There is a thin line between being lonely and being alone. One should learn that it’s completely Ok to be alone, for there are still people you have in your life, thereContinue reading “You Are Not Lonely”

Self Love

Life is short and how we showcase ourself on the outside should be fun. So go have fun! Be blonde be brunette, rock yourself in a pixie hairstyle, wear all black one day and all hot pink the next day! Self Love and confidence will make you radiate more then anything else ever will, SoContinue reading “Self Love”

Master The Art Of “Revenge”

When something bad happens to us and we believe that the reason why we are upset right now is because of somebody else, or because of a situation we had absolutely no Control over, the immediate thought that comes to our mind is wishing ill fate over the other person, or cursing our own faith.Continue reading “Master The Art Of “Revenge””

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